Per Sigmond, Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

  • Name: Per Sigmond
  • Born: march 5, 1961
  • Family: married, 2 children
  • Nationality: Norwegian
  • Languages: Norwegian and English


36 years "on the job":
  • 4 years in teaching as assistant professor (høgskolelektor)
  • 4 years in research
  • 28 years in industry (12 years as employed, 16 years as consultant)
  • Internet since 1989
  • Linux since 1993 (RHCE since 1999, RHCX since 2000)

Competence profile

Software Design and Development

  • Test-driven development
  • Embedded systems software
  • Open Source Software
  • Datacom software
  • Linux system programming
  • Linux kernel programming
  • Real-time systems
  • Internet programming (sockets, html, cgi, rpc)
  • Compiler construction (flex/bison)
  • Programming languages: c, c++, Python, PHP, Expect, JavaScript, flex/bison, ...

Operating system administration

  • Linux (RHCE=Red Hat Certified Engineer no. 806199697700507, RHCX=Red Hat Certified Examiner)

Data communications

  • Internet protocols
  • Client/server systems
  • Mobile systems

I customize courses in the following fields:

  • Linux
  • Programming
  • Data communications, Internet technology


  • Digital Audio Workstation technology. Credited as contributing developer of Ardour.
  • MIDI Sequencer technology. One of two principal developers of Jazz++.

Digital signal processing

  • adaptive filters


Master of Science (sivilingeniør), Telecommunications, University of Trondheim 1986.

Diploma subjects: ISDN digital transmission techniques using adaptive filters.


  • Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) no. 806199697700507
  • Red Hat Certified Examiner (RHCX)

Board positions

  • Chairman of board, Sigmond AS, 2008 - current
  • Chairman of board, Per Sigmond Consulting AS, 2006 - 2013
  • Chairman of board, ItsOpen as, 2004 - 2007
  • Member of board, ItsOpen as, 1999 - 2003
  • Member of board, Kitrus as, 1997 - 2006

Professional career

From August 2016 - current:

Employer: 4Subsea AS

Position: Advisor

From June 2013 - July 2016:

Employer: Sense Offshore AS

Position: Senior Engineer

From January 2005 - February 2013:

Independent consultant.


  • Contractor with ST-Ericsson AS:
    • Development Linux kernel drivers.
    • Development of API and control software for IKE (IKEv2) protocol library.
    • Development of API for IPsec and integration of IPsec into datacom stack.
    • Development and optimalization of datacom stack for IPv4 and IPv6
    • Implementation of datacom service providing BSD Socket interface
    • Development of systems for automatic software testing
    • Compiler development using flex/bison
    • Development of MPL (Marshalling Parameter Library)
  • Instructor internationally for Red Hat Global Learning Services:
    • Red Hat Linux Kernel Internals (RHD236)

From January 1998 - December 2004:

Employer: Kitrus as (formerly ITRessurs as)

Position: Senior Consultant


  • Management:
    • Constituated CEO, ItsOpen AS, april-december 2003
    • CTO, ItsOpen AS, january-april 2004
  • Instructor internationally for Red Hat Global Learning Services:
    • Red Hat Linux Kernel Internals (RHD236)
    • Red Hat Linux Device Drivers (RHD221)
  • Instructor and examiner for Red Hat training and certification program:
    • Red Hat Linux Essentials (RH033)
    • Red Hat Linux System Administration (RH133)
    • Red Hat Linux Networking and Security Administration (RH253)
    • Red Hat Certified Engineer (Rapid Track course) (RH300)
    • Red Hat Certified Technician Exam (RH202)
    • Red Hat Certified Engineer Exam (RH301)
  • Courseware developer and instructor for Kitrus:
    • Data Communications
    • Internet Protocols
    • Internet Security (Intrusion Detection Systems, IDS)
    • Linux system programming
    • Protocol implementation
    • C-programming
    • C++-programming
    • Perl programming
    • Web programming
    • Erlang programming
  • Developing application for Balanced Scorecard management methods (OpenScorecard) (Python, Qt)
  • Developing customized web browser system based on Konqueror (C++, Qt, KDE)
  • Developing web site and web applications for Kitrus as (Zope)
  • Development and maintenance of system for monitoring telecom networks by measuring signalling traffic (Signalling System #7) (C)
  • Development of methods for testing of software systems
  • Description and specification of product for monitoring of telecommunication networks giving statistical and real time data

November 1997:

Co-founder of ITRessurs as - an independent consulting company based in Grimstad, Norway.

August - December 1997:

Independent consultant.


  • Developing and giving courses in data-communications, Unix, programming (C and Erlang) and Internet-technology.
  • Design and implementation of specialized registration/housekeeping application involving portable hand-held computer terminals.
  • Development of algorithms and software related to ISDN test equipment using an object oriented approach.
  • Development of syntax-checking tool based on lex / yacc.

December 1 1995 - july 31 1997:

Employer: Ericsson A/S

Position: Software Designer I


  • Project GPRS (General Packet Radio Service; packet switched data communication in GSM mobile networks) (1996-1997)
    • Work on GPRS system platform
    • Developing prototype for GPRS, programming languages Erlang (function oriented language) and C
    • Development of methods
    • Technical support to development teams
    • Development of test tools for automated test of Erlang-software
    • Lecturer on several internal courses in data communications, C-programming and Unix system programming
  • Project AMC-PH-3, RPD; line switched data communication in GSM mobile networks (1995-1996)
    • Design and implementation of state-machines under REOS realtime-kernel (ANSI-C)
    • Development of test tool for automated test of software based on FSF DejaGnu (TCL and C)

July 1 1992 - november 30 1995 (plus part time engagements):

Employer: Agder College, dep. of Technology (HiA)

Position: College lecturer ("Høgskolelektor")


  • Lecturer "Client/Server-programming" (1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998)
  • Lecturer "Data communication" (1991, 1992,1993,1994, 1995, 1997)
  • Lecturer "OSI upper layer protocols" (1994, 1995)
  • Lecturer "Data structures, Unix, C++" (1993,1994)
  • Lecturer "Digital cirquits and Microprocessors" (1994)
  • Lecturer "C++ and Windows programming" (1992)
  • Lecturer "Operating systems and system programming (Unix)" (1991)
  • Supervisor MSc diploma "Lightweight subtitution for ISO/CCITT client/server-protocols", Rogaland College (1995)
  • Lecturer on several courses in "C++ programming" and "Object oriented Analysis and Design" ordered from Ericsson A/S (1993,1994)
  • Supervisor student project "MS Windows user interface for InfoServer" (1994)
  • Supervisor student project "ASN.1 to XDR translator" (1994)
  • Supervisor student project "Supervision of networks devices using SNMP" (1993)
  • Supervisor student project "RPC-protocol for SQL" (1993)
  • Supervisor student project "RPC-protocol for electronic mail" (1992)

June 15 1988 - december 31 1993:

Employer: Agder Research, dep. of technology

Position: Scientist


  • Project leader for several projects ordered by Norwegian Telecom Research
  • Projects on how to use ISDN for IP intranets
  • Computer network manager
  • UNIX system manager
  • Computer system consultant
  • Software for ASN.1, ROSE, TCAP
  • SQL relational databases; construction and management
  • Lecturer at several open courses on data communications
  • Measurement system for fluid levels

January 1 1987 - June 14 1988:

Employer: EB Telenett, development department Hisøy

Position: Delelopment engineer


  • V.22 phase-shift modem implementation: algorithm development
  • FSK modem implementation: algorithm development, simulation and implementation on DSP
  • 64kbit data transmission, V.35 and V.36
  • Telephony: construction and measurements
  • HDLC controller
  • Adaptive echo cancelling
  • Lectures on digital transmission theory:
    • Adaptive filters
    • Viterbi-algorithm and Trellis-Coded-Modulation
    • Digital coding of speech
    • Implementation of V.32-modem in signal processor

Other activities

  • Credited as contributing developer of "Ardour", a highly successful Digital Audio Workstation (licenced as Open Source Software).
  • One of two principal developers of the JAZZ midi sequencer. "JAZZ" is software for recording/editing/playback of music based on the MIDI-standard. Supports AUDIO/MIDI integration. Graphical user interface. Versions for Linux and Win9x/NT. Written in C++. The product is distributed via Internet and is developed in cooperation with Andreas Voss (Germany). Number of distributed copies: >> 100.000. Jazz is now Open Source Software.


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